Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Many More Pictures from The Erkamo's

Here are 4 more photos from my time with my second host family, the Erkamos. These were taken on my last day in their family (Jan. 24th).

My bedroom on the second floor. Many Finnish homes have similar upper floors, with slanted ceilings. At least all 3 of my host families so far have houses built in this style.

A closeup of my bed. Most beds in Finland are small and narrow like this one and the one in my first host family. Here in my third family I am sleeping on two small beds pushed together.

Here my host dad Heikki Erkamo is getting into the driver's seat after loading my suitcases into the car. My host mom Tuuli is on the other side and my host sister Meri is waiting in the car. We were going to Messilä, a skiing center nearby Lahti to meet some other Rotarians from my host club.

This is the view from the front porch of the Erkamo's house. In the summer, this area is where Tuuli gardens.

This one is from my goodbye dinner on Jan. 23rd: me, Tuuli and Meri.

Now here's a few from Christmas time that I haven't posted. First, we have Vilja (left), Meri and me in front of the Christmas tree.

Tuuli and me at one of the family's many Christmas dinners.

Here I am rather stealthily taking some Christmas food.

Heikki and I wait to open Christmas gifts. This was at Tuuli's parents house on boxing day.

And of course, I play Christmas music for everyone!

My time with this family was really great!

As for an update, I'm all moved into my third family now and things are going very well. They have 2 dogs and a cat so I'm learning more about animal care. In school, my 4th semester starts tomorrow and I'm taking Physics, Gym, Music, Math, Civics and Finnish - yes, I'm going to give "mother tongue" a shot (Finnish in Finnish = äidinkieli = mother tongue). Also, the 'vanhojen tanssit' or 'old dances' are on Feb. 12/13th and I'm really looking forward to those! Be sure to check my blog around Valentine's day for some sure-to-be great pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What lovely pictures! The Erkamo's home is beautiful! And, Dante, you've bought yoursef some great sweaters in Finland!