I haven't been keeping up with the weekly updates... so I'm switching to yearly updates now. Here's your 2010 yearly update! It's been so long that photobucket has changed their entire uploading and album system, I need to figure this out now before I can post any photos.
*works on photobucket*
OK! I think I got it now.
So, my life has been so crazy in the past year I'm not even going to get into it. Basically I'm a Biology student at Queen's University in Kingston and it's AWESOME. I'm playing music, footbag and chillin all day with friends :D this summer however, I'm in Stratford working -_-
!!! Ok I know you all photos so here we go: I found this cool little folder tucked away on my Macbook called "Silja's Pics" and found some awesome shots of my Finnish friends from last year and 2008! Credit to Silja for these :)
Walking with Simo and Jenna outside our school. Please note the badassery of Simo's hair. I guess I should also be thanking Simo for inspiring me to make a random new post on my blog! Great talking to you buddy :)
Something has my attention.... but not Simo's. Note hair.
Here, you can fully appreciate the masterful mojo of this man, Sergeant Simo Loikkanen.
Oh wow. Simo is just so cool. He is simply the coolest thing ever. But then I saw this picture...
I was really confused... but then I looked at Simo's hair... his aura. This is what it does to EVERYTHING in the world (including that picture)
This final photo is from our viewing of the Star Trek movie in May 2009. We were the coolest people in the theatre, and in Lahti for that matter.
This has been your yearly update, thanks for checking in! Watch for posts at random times when I'm feeling like it! :D