Greetings readers!
I realize I haven't delivered much news on my exchange lately. So here I am to deliver to you the events in my life over the past few (busy) weeks.
First I'll cover my recent trip to Lapland (Finnish arctic) with Rotary! It was such a great experience, and I'm still recovering from the whole thing. It started Friday night at 11:00pm when the bus picked us up in Lahti. There were 4 buses all over Finland carrying the 120 Rotary students in the country this year up north to Muonio.
I posted this map earlier, but here you can Muonio. For reference, the Arctic Circle runs through Rovaniemi! And we were quite close to Sweden... (photo credit to my Argentinian friend Majlen Mariana) *Ruotsi = Sweden in Finnish*
It felt a little like the Polar Express: getting picked up by a bus late at night, and onboard are all my friends I haven't seen in the past 4 months. We drive all night to the 'north pole', where we are the last bus to arrive. At the hotel in Muonio, I find all the rest of the my friends! It was fantastic! It took about 13 hours to get there, we arrived at noon on Saturday.
I got about 1 hour of sleep on the bus and we went downhill skiing Saturday afternoon. Because I was so tired, I accidentally hit my head on the ski lift as I was attempting to grab it. I ignored the hit and enjoyed the rest of the day. However, in the evening, I felt dizzy and had to miss out on some activities to get some rest. Don't worry, I felt better on Sunday and now I feel great. Below is a shot of some friends and me at the small hotel we stayed in. It was mostly made of wood!
From left, Mio Nakamura (Japan), Myself, Alex Prinzen (Ingersoll, Canada!), Ana Maria Viola Rensi (Brazil), Chet Kuchyt (Niagara Falls, Canada!), sitting is Yurie Umezu (Japan), who also gets credit for this photo!
Sunday involved more downhill skiing. The skiing in Finland is ok, but the hills aren't very big. The hill we were at only had one run open :/ but it was decent enough to enjoy skiing down again and again with friends. On Sunday night we held a talent show at a local high school gym. I performed my "Finlandia" piano solo I've been preparing for the past 4 months! Here I am playing for everyone: (the piano wasn't great... photo credit to my French friend Sibylle Morel)
Monday was the culture day when we were split up into 4 groups (by bus) and circulated between 4 activities: Reindeer rides, visiting a reindeer farm, snowshoeing and huskie rides. Here's my own picture from the reindeer farm.
And of course, what's winter without fighting in the snow?! There was certainly lots of it! Here I am with my German friend Elli Fiedler, who also lives in Lahti. (photo credit to my American friend Brittany Ehrhardt) You can tell I didn't take many pictures, I'm mooching all these off Facebook. I was having too much fun to take pictures!
And the scenery in Lapland is also beautiful: kilometre after kilometre of undisturbed wilderness. (photo credit to Sibylle again) As for the temperature, it hovered between -20 and -10 Celsius while we were there, although -30 is not uncommon.
The best part of the trip wasn't the reindeer, or the skiing, or the tress: it was being with over 100 of my best friends! I enjoy spending time with them so much, it makes me sad to think that the next time we'll all be together is next April when we go to St. Petersburg, Russia. However, all the Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans (about 20 total) will be leaving in January since those countries exchange on a different timetable. That does mean that new students will be here in the new year, although I will miss our 'oldies'...
This trip to Lapland was great. On the way home, all the buses stopped in "Rovaniemi", the city where Santa Claus actually lives! So we all got to visit him, and said our goodbyes to friends on other buses...
I got very little sleep between leaving Friday night and arriving in Lahti at 3:00am Wednesday morning. And guess what I had to do as soon as I got back... :)
Over the past month, I've been practicing my Finlandia piano solo to play at my school's independence day assemblies (one for junior high, one for senior high school students). I also practiced 2 drum numbers with some friends on bass, guitar and vocals and a teacher on keyboards to play in both assemblies as well. In addition to those shows, I was practicing keyboards with the other friends on bass, guitar and drums to play at "Linun Juhlat", a traditional celebration/dance occurring at my school the night before the independence assemblies.
As you can imagine, my plate has been full. The Linun-Juhlat was last night (Thursday night) and it went great: we played many waltzes for dancing as well as some funk jams. It was a late night, however, and I had to be up early today (Friday) for another rehearsal of the assembly. I performed all my numbers today, and everything went great. But I am exhausted. Ever since I got home from Lapland, it's been practicing, performing, practicing... I've been through a lot! But now I have the weekend to look forward to: tomorrow night (the night of Finland's Independence Day) my host family is taking me to a concert at Sibelius Hall!
There's my update for you! Now I'm looking forward to December: On the 9th, I'm performing Finlandia again for my music school (where I'm taking piano lessons) at the school's 'recital night' (or 'family night', as it's called back home :) On the 19th, I'll likely be competing in the Finnish National Championships of footbag taking place in Helsinki! Watch for more info on that! I'm also scheduled to perform some Christmas Carols at one of my Rotary meetings this month.
Stay tuned for more pictures from the music nights this week as well as more information on footbag!